
Winter Bump Waves and Updates

January 11, 2016

We’re down to the final week before the 2106 Winter Bump!!  We’ve received some calls in regard to wave times, news and updates.  First, if you haven’t already, please make sure that you are registered to receive the most up to date news and info by clicking entering your email into the “subscription” box at […]

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Winter Bump Info and Showcase Registration

January 8, 2016

ELITE CHALLENGE SHOWCASE – REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN – LIMITED SPACE LEFT! We just wanted to send out a note to remind you that today is the last day to register for the Elite Challenge Player showcase to insure you receive the appropriate color t-shirt. Each graduation year will have their own t-shirt color, allowing […]

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Winter Bump Tourney and 3 Days Left to Register for Showcase

January 6, 2016

Over 330 teams will be competing in this year’s Winter Bump Volleyball Classic. We appreciate your participation in what has become one of the finest juniors volleyball tournaments on the East Coast. Following is general information for the tournament to help guide spectators, players, and coaches. Please make sure to forward the information to all […]

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Register NOW for the Elite Challenge Showcase!

December 23, 2015

We wanted to send a note out to all of our Winter Bump competitors, reminding our athletes how important combines like our Elite Challenge Showcase are. Not everyone has the ability, network, resources, support, or even knowledge to carry themselves through the recruiting process. Showcases are amazing opportunities for all prospective student athletes to BE […]

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